Twin Screw
„Alfa Laval“ dvigubo sraigto siurblys, sukurtas proceso lankstumui užtikrinti, yra sumontuotas ant tvirtos, patikimos platformos, atitinkančios griežtus higienos standartus. Jis gali dirbti tiek su produktų, tiek su plovimo skysčiais (CIP). Jo mažos pulsacijos charakteristikos ir puiki kietųjų medžiagų transportavimo galimybė sumažina produkto sugadinimo riziką ir taip pagerina gaminio kokybę. Techninė priežiūra yra supaprastinta, kas leidžia sutrumpinti aptarnavimo ir prailginti gamybinių proc
Tiršti ir mažiau klampūs skysčiai - visi puikiai ir patikimai transportuojami
- Didesnis proceso lankstumas
- Paprastas aptarnavimas - daugiau laiko gamybos procesui
- Tvirtas ir patikimas dizainas sumažina investicines išlaidas ir leidžia daugiau laiko skirti gamybos procesui
- Geresnė produkto kokybė
- Išskirtinai higieniškas ir lengvai valomas
Twin Screw Pump technology
The Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump combines process duties typically handled by positive displacement with CIP duties typically handled by centrifugal pumps. This provides a robust and reliable platform that offers greater process flexibility.
Process flexibility
Two-in-one operation provides easy handling of process media of varying viscosities as well as CIP fluids. This simplifies piping and pump control, cutting costs and minimizing contamination risks.
Superior suction performance with excellent lift capability and low NPSHr provides installation flexibility and increases product recovery.
Service and reliability
Quick, easy seal replacement with the twin screw pump pump in place is made possible, thanks to a cartridge seal with a truly front-loading, self-setting design. This maximizes process uptime and minimizes maintenance costs. An optional seal service kit program adds maintenance flexibility and cuts operating costs.
A robust, all stainless steel gearbox with timing gears located between bearings, provides an optimized bearing span. Balanced loading of the shaft assembly reduces vibration and noise, increasing component life and reliability.
The oil chamber design enhances bearing and gear lubrication, increasing bearing life and minimizing gearbox running temperature.
Easy access to timing gears, whilst the Twin screw pump is in position, simplifies the process of screw retiming; there is no need to drain gearbox oil or to remove the coupling and motor.
Operational safety
The Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump features a clean, external stainless steel finish with profiled elastomers and mechanical seals fully surrounded by the product. Designed for maximum cleanability using FDA-conforming materials, the pump is both EHEDG- and 3-A certified.
The combination of optimized gearbox design and excellent hydraulic performance provides for quiet pump operation, minimizing noise emissions. Running temperature is also minimized, thereby increasing workplace safety.
An optional ATEX version enables use in hazardous zones.
Quick, easy maintenance
Minimize maintenance costs and maximize process uptime. Seal replacement with the pump in place is quick and easy, thanks to a cartridge seal with a truly front-loading, self-setting design. An optional seal service kit provides maintenance flexibility and cuts costs. Easy access to timing gears whilst the pump is in position simplifies the process of screw retiming without requiring drainage of the gearbox oil or removal of the coupling and motor.
Kaip tai veikia
Operating principle
The Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump is a positive displacement pump. As the pump rotates, the intermeshing of the two contra-rotating screws, along with the pump housing, form volumetric chambers. These chambers fill with the pumped fluid and move it axially from the suction side of the pump to the higher pressure discharge side of the pump.

Product models
The Twin screw pump comes in twelve sizes – OS12, OS14, OS16, OS22, OS24, OS26, OS32, OS34, OS36, OS42, OS44 and OS46 – handling flow rates ranging from 0.1 to 134.3 m3/h, pressures of up to 16 bar, and solid sizes up to 43 mm.
- Single mechanical shaft seal
- Single flushed mechanical shaft seal
- Double mechanical shaft seal
- Seal faces in silicon carbide/silicon carbide or silicon carbide/carbon
- Product wetted elastomers in EPDM, FPM or FFPM
- Diffusion hardened screws
- Heating jacket
- Rectangular inlet
- Hydrostatic testing with certificate
- Reversible flow
- Bottom inlet or outlet
- Wide range of port specifications
- Direct or geared motor
- ATEX version
- Multiple MEPS
Part of a broad hygienic pump range
Alfa Laval offers a comprehensive range of pumps for hygienic applications in various industries including dairy, food, beverage, home care, personal care, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.
Get greater process flexibility from your pump
Discover how versatile and reliable the easy-to-service Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump is. Whether your process fluids are sensitive, contain solids, or have a high or low viscosity, our twin screw solution is up to the task. The Alfa Laval Twin Screw Pump. Delicately Robust.

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Produktų katalogas
"Alfa Laval" higieninės įrangos gaminių kataloge "Artima ranka" pateikiami gaminių lankstinukai, našumo kreivės, nuorodos į animaciją, brošiūros ir kainoraščiai užsakymo tikslais.

Maisto logika
"Alfa Laval" higieninė įranga suderina aukštą našumą ir švelnų valdymą, kad būtų išsaugotos jautrios sudedamosios dalys ir neatsiliktų nuo maisto pramonės tendencijų. Įranga padeda spręsti keturis pagrindinius uždavinius: tiekti maisto produktus vartotojams už konkurencingą kainą, maksimaliai išnaudoti žaliavas, mažinti atliekų ir išmetamųjų teršalų kiekį bei tiekti saugius ir higieniškus maisto produktus.

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