Frequently asked questions
Where are Alfa Laval distribution centres located?
Alfa Laval has eleven major distribution centres: two in Sweden and in Denmark, the United States, India, Singapore, China, Netherlands, Norway and Japan. We also keep minor stock inventories at some of our sales companies, such as in South Africa, Australia and Brazil.
What parts do you keep on stock?
To meet customer needs, we continuously review what parts to stock based on the Alfa Laval product range and the installed base. This means we have high consumption parts, critical parts, new parts, some very old parts (dating back to the early 1900s) in stock.
I am interested in an Exclusive Stock agreement. How does it work?
Contact your Alfa Laval representative to review your needs and reserve the parts that are critical to your business. The parts will be stored for your sole use at one of the Alfa Laval distribution centres for a regular service fee, or at your location of choice. Service fees vary, depending on the part and storage location. Payment in full is due when you decide you need the part. Just let us know and we’ll arrange for same-day shipping to the destination you specify.
How should I store rubber parts, such as gaskets and o-rings?
Generally speaking, storage of rubber parts should be avoided because rubber parts age while in storage. However, when it is necessary to store rubber parts, there are ways to slow the aging process:
- Maintain the temperature in the storage room between > -10°C
and < 20°C - Store in a dark room and avoid ultraviolet light
- Do not keep ozone-producing equipment near or in the storage room
- Do not store organic solvents, acids, odor-producing products, etc. in the storage room
- Do not store rubber parts near radiators
- Cover or keep the rubber parts in bags or boxes to reduce air circulation since exposure to air facilitates the aging process
- Store the rubber parts flat, tangle free and free from tension
- Store similar rubber parts of different material separately
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