Sterile filtration module

„Alfa Laval“ sterilaus alaus filtravimo (BSF) modulis filtruoja jūsų alų, todėl jūs pasiekiate 100% bakterijų sulaikymą be terminio skaidymo ir nepažeisdami savo produkto skonio. Tai yra dėl mūsų unikalios alaus filtravimo technologijos ir „Sartorius“ filtravimo kasečių.

Sterile beer filtration system

Mūsų alaus filtras suteikia švelnų gydymą ir garantuoja skonį

  • Filtravimas visiškai pašalinant mikroorganizmus, kurie gali pakenkti alaus kokybei ir skoniui, termiškai neskaidant
  • Mažas deguonies surinkimas paleidimo metu ir beveik nulis produkto nuostolių
  • Maksimalus proceso saugumas
  • Lengva valdyti alaus filtravimą
  • Lengva integruoti į esamas gamybos linijas

Sterilus filtravimas su optimaliu saugumu: siekiant maksimalaus saugumo, kiekviena alaus sterilios filtravimo membranos kasetė yra sertifikuota, o alaus filtravimo sistema prieš apdorodama partiją atlieka vientisumo patikrą. Nereikia buferinio rezervuaro, o tai reiškia nedidelį pėdsaką, kuris taupo vertingą vietą.

Beer filtration process chart

A complete beer sterile filtration solution

We offer complete systems for sterile beer filtration including pre and sterile filtration of beer, CIP and water filtration and sterile filtration of gases. The filtration systems are specifically designed to maximize performance of Sartorius sterile filtration cartridges.

These systems include a pre-filtration step with Sartorius depth filtration cartridges that maximize the quantity of beer that passes through the sterile filtration cartridges, boosting productivity.

Bright beer is initially filtered with Sartorius depth filtration cartridges with a nominal retention rate of 0.65 μm, followed by a sterile beer filtration step using Sartocool® filtration cartridges with absolute retention rates of either 0.45 μm or 0.65 μm. After removing the microorganisms, the beer is routed directly to the filler.

Alfa Laval’s beer sterile filtration systems are optimized for effective CIP of the beer pre-filtration and sterile filtration cartridges. These are cleaned and regenerated on a regular basis with standard caustic solutions. The complete beer filtration system, including cartridges, is sterilized with hot water. Any water and CIP liquids that come in contact with the sterile filtration cartridges are pre-filtered to eliminate any risk of loading the cartridges with particles. 

The beer filtration system integrates a supply of sterile gases for integrity testing and to minimize beer losses at the beginning and end of production runs. In addition, the entire beer filtering system is automatically controlled to ensure the best possible process conditions, maximum reliability, safety and the lowest possible costs for your beer production. 


Beer Sterile Filtration Module (BSF)

A well-proven, complete and fully automated beer sterile filtration module for large breweries for maximum performance and minimum down time.

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Beer Sterile Filtration Mini Module (BSF Mini)

A compact manual beer sterile filtration module designed for craft brewers.

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