Intelligent Whirlpool System

Padidinkite virimo derlingumą, išgaunant misą iš „Whirlpool“, išlaikydami ar net pagerindami misos kokybę, sumažindami energijos ir vandens sąnaudas naudodami išmaniąją sūkurinių vonių sistemą (IWS).


Fast and flexible Whirlpool System

  • Reduce whirlpool losses down to max. 0.1%
  • Thus, increase brewing yield for 1-3% in breweries and much more in solids intensive craft breweries
  • Maintain or increase wort quality parameters, mainly due to up to 10-20% shorter whirlpool process time – based on technical validation report by VL
  • Keep 100% process traceability (recovered wort returned to the same brew)
  • Turn trub waste into valuable by-products such as animal feed

„Alfa Laval“ intelektuali sūkurinių vonių sistema (IWS) dirba su mūsų „Foodec“ dekanterių centrifugomis, kad užtikrintų nepakartojamą efektyvumą. Trumpesnis sūkurinės vonios laikas pagerina misos kokybę ir padidina veikimo greitį. IWS leidžia geriau panaudoti apynius, dekanteryje atskiriant likusias kietąsias medžiagas. Tai sumažina misos aušintuvo užteršimą ir užsikimšimą ir sumažina fermentacijos metu susidarančių medžiagų kiekį. IWS tinka gaminti didesnį nei 50 hl (43 bbl) alų. „Alfa Laval“ optimizuota IWS tiekimo sritis su visiškai automatizuotu, iš anksto suprojektuotu kompaktišku moduliniu dekanterių sprendimu ir laipsnišku įrangos dydžiu suteikia optimalias klientų investicijų išlaidas, greitai ir lengvai paleidžiant ir valdant.


By introducing Alfa Laval Intelligent Whirlpool System (IWS), Alfa Laval is adding decanter loop to existing whirlpool. Decanter loop is working in parallel with whirlpool process. Whirlpool process is not changed. whirlpool should efficiently sediment all trub and hops solids in the bottom, still. Decanter loop is added to remove all the solids from the whirlpool during whirlpool process.

Solids from the cone in the whirlpool bottom are pumped to Alfa Laval Foodec decanter. Decanter is separating clear wort from the trub solids. Clear wort returns back to the whirlpool or downstream to the wort cooler line, before whirlpool is completely empty. Solids trub and hops efficiently separated from decanter are removed from the process. They are transported to spent grains and sold together as animal feed.

Comparing to traditional whirlpool, without decanter loop:

  • As all solids are pumped from whirlpool to the decanter before whirlpool is emptied completely, there are no remaining solids in the bottom of the whirlpool. In contrary, whirlpool is clean of solids. There is no need to flush trub solids from the whirlpool after the process, using additional water and time.
  • As all solids sedimented to the bottom of the whirlpool are immediately pumped from the whirlpool to decanter and they are no solids in the whirlpool bottom towards emptied whirlpool, trub carry over at the end of emptying is reduced and there is no need to slow down the whirlpool emptying at its end. This shorten total whirlpool time as well.